Los Angeles - Democrats for Israel California, the official chartered council of clubs for California Jewish Democratic Clubs finished the 2023 California Democratic Party Reorganizing Convention a resounding success.
Over 100 delegates attended the DFI-CA General Membership meeting, voting to affiliate with JDCA and hearing from candidates and amazing speakers such as:
- U.S House Caucus Chair Rep. Peter Aguilar
- State Senate President Pro Temp Toni Atkins
- California Jewish Legislative Caucus Vice Chair State Senator Scott Wiener
- Congressman Adam Schiff
- Augusta Christensen - Political Manager Democratic Majority for Israel
Over 300 delegates attended the Jewish Community Ice Cream Social, cosponsored by DFMI, California Jewish Legislative Caucus, DFI-LA, Silicon Valley Jewish Dem Club, Westside Democratic HQ, West LA Dem Club, CYD Jewish Caucus, Blue Wave Dem Club, American Jewish Committee, and Region 18 Director Connie Sullivan Barasch. Resolutions reiterating support for the Two State Solution and opposing the rise of ultra-nationalist regimes were advanced by the Resolutions Committee and one anti-Israel resolution was found to be out of order.